What is
Genos Grow?

A simple, easy to use and interactive on-demanding learning platform.

It condenses key insights for applied emotional intelligence in the workplace, no matter your level of seniority. The personalised journey starts with a clear assessment of focus areas aimed to help people calibrate their starting point in transforming their well-being and relationships.

When there is a commitment to improved communication and collaboration, results are tangible when in comes to team cultures, enhanced performance and drive.

As a 6 months subscription package, Genos GROW is suitable to everyone – from one individual to company-wide initiatives.

It has an easy to follow, personalized and measurable process, integrating nudges and reminders, bite-sized video resources and contemporary perspectives on what matters when it comes to people’s emotional intelligence, well-being and overall performance.

Genos Grow Future Of Self Learning

What is inside

1 simple
to use initial assessment

To determine
focus areas for improved
EI application


For a comprehensive
and insightful perspective
on applied EI in the workplace

Self-guided and
personalised path

For each participant to complete
their 6 month journey at their own pace,
without being stressed for time.

It's for you if...

You need help and a structured self-coaching style approach to making improvements in the way you show up and interact with others

You want to learn the most insightful and practical ways to improves collaboration and well-being

You want to create a climate of accountability and ownership for people’s behaviours and purposeful results

You want to create a more sustainable and positive work environment

You want to nurture autonomous learning at the beginning, during or as a follow-up to a learning initiative.

You will learn

To decide for yourselves and commit to certain actions that will intentionally elevate your EI focus

What easy everyday tips you can apply in your personal context to measure progress

Practical perspectives on increasing self and other awareness, authenticity, emotional reasoning, self-management and positive influence.

How to seamlessly integrate emotional intelligence in your everyday work and interactions with others

How to focus more on your well-being and intentional conversations that drive connection

What’s your investment?

It is as little as a decent cup of coffee / per person / per month. Get in touch for a personalised package.

What you will get:

On-demand learning that actually works through its simplicity and follow-through built-in process.

A simple way to put learning back in the hands of the learner in an engaging, personalised way.

A comprehensive yet compact solution to emotional culture, leadership development, wellbeing and collaboration.

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    What our customers
    are saying about us:

    We facilitate Applied EI with you in mind. That’s why this is a hands-on approach. Don’t take our word for granted - take a look at some of the feedback we’re constantly receiving.

    Who worked with us already

    Genos All Access The future is here. So is your growth.

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