EI Myths in the workspace

For decades emotional expression has been stigmatized in the workplace. The infamous “leave your emotions at the door” approach kept us apart, holding back, feeling like we cannot be ourselves fully.   Progress has been made, and in today’s professional landscape, emotions are actually welcomed. Leaders now understand that integrating emotional intelligence in decisions in […]

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Why it pays off to invest in EI company-wide

Whether we’re talking about hiring a new colleague, addressing a conflict, or dealing with a customer complaint, it can all be handled better and with a greater outcome when emotional intelligence is brought into the mix. Investing in EI comes with a lot of benefits, both on the financial side (revenue increase, yey!), as well […]

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3 strategies for better, more efficient work meetings

Have you ever checked your schedule for the day and found yourself thinking „why is this meeting in my calendar”? We spend too much time in meetings. Meetings that are not always productive, enjoyable, or meaningful. For this reason, a lot of HR experts and researchers are looking at the ways in which companies could […]

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How we meet and why it matters

Insights from the Art of gathering by Priya Parker   Community is something that is constantly reinvented, and nothing shapes a community like a gathering does. They can, in fact, bring us together or tear us apart. In her most recent book, The Art of Gathering: How we meet and why it matters, facilitator, strategic […]

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The Journey of Emotions Throughout the Employee Life Cycle

A Journey of Emotions

The Employee Life Cycle (ELC) is an HR model that tracks the journey of an employee within your organization. It begins the moment a potential employee becomes aware of your brand and ends on the final day of their employment at your company.    Besides being a relevant HR tool, it can also be a […]

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Measuring Emotional Intelligence in Recruitment

how to integrate emotional intelligence in recruitment

Emotional intelligence skills are as critical as intellect and technical skills in determining success at work. Our levels of emotional intelligence influence our behavior and correlate with our performance, resilience, and our level of occupational stress. In other words, people with high EI feel less stressed and are more resilient at work – which, ideally,  […]

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Everything You Need to Know about Emotional Intelligence at Work

Everything you need to know about EI at work

By now we all know that emotional intelligence at work is a must. The expression and acknowledgement of emotions, EI development and vulnerable conversations must be encouraged and sustained because one works better when one can be himself/herself. And we need emotional cultures to support that.   It is no secret that building an emotional […]

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How to Become a Positive Influence on Others

three children jumping into water

When talking about leaders and leadership, one thing’s sure: a leader’s behavior can positively or negatively influence the performance and engagement of colleagues. Good leadership is fundamentally about facilitating performance and emotional wellbeing in others and this can be achieved by developing your positive influence capabilities. One of the core emotional intelligence competencies, positive influence […]

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Three Exercises to Challenge the Way You Listen

exercises for improving your listening skills

Listening is an essential skill that lays the foundation for learning. It has brought us where we are today: we told each other stories, we found shared values and worked together towards common goals and we helped each other access the knowledge that we already had within, by simply gifting our time and full attention […]

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You’re Not Listening. Takeaways from Kate Murphy’s Book

Cover of You're not listening book by Kate Murphy

Listening is often seen as the humble counterpart of speech but is actually the stronger position in communication. You learn when you listen. That’s one of the key arguments that Kate Murphy makes in her powerful book You’re not listening. What you’re missing and why it matters. Murphy sustains that, although listening is the foundation […]

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